Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council has for sometime wanted to improve road safety across the Parish. It is important to note that the Parish Council has no legal power to facilitate highway infrastructure projects alone as Cornwall Council is the Highway Authority we must work in line with their requirements.
Cormac is the contractor used by Cornwall Council (the Highway Authority). Cormac have put together this schedule – Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Streetscape to help prioritise the works required across the Parish. This schedule is in line with the findings of the community consultation held during July/August 2015, the Connor Downs results can be found here and the Carnhell Green results can be found here.
The Cormac schedule shows the works in three colours, Green being those works that can take place between now and April 2016.
Yellow/Amber are items which need some feasibility/design/consultation work to achieve them but work on this will start now too.
Red items will need further investigation and consultation these are items which may need more work.
At the Parish Council (PC) meeting on the 14th December 2015, the PC approved the following actions:-
- Agreed locations of red roundels for Connor Downs (CD) at the Camborne, Hayle and Mutton Hill sites.
- Agreed to meet with Carnhell Green (CG) group & Cormac to approve sign locations (depending on sign proliferation issues)
- Approved the works shown green for immediate start (to be completed by April 2016)
- Approved an assessment of the need for both a refuge and zebra crossing at CD (Hayle end)
- Approved a light touch assessment of Amber items before commencing full consultation
- Ask that priority item 5 at CG be moved from Red to Amber due to the good response from the public on the community questionnaire.
- Approve a light touch assessment of Red items before commencing full consultation
- Ask CC to investigate the build out dimensions at Greenbank, CD
- Approved the works which may form phase 2 but that the build out at CG will be top priority if there is any money left from phase 1
- Approved the phasing of costs in line with the schedule (£23,375) & ask for monthly reports from Cormac/CC to the PC
The entire project which includes works in other areas of the Parish can be found here. The ranking on this schedule relates to the priority given by the community for each item, 1 being most important and this is consistent with the latest schedule from Cormac above.