Potential new affordable housing scheme on land NW of Relistian Park, Reawla

Jul 22, 2021 | Parish News

The Parish Council has been approached by the Housing Delivery Team at Cornwall Council regarding bringing forward a potential new affordable housing scheme on land NW of Relistian Park.  They want to undertake community consultation and therefore the Parish Council will be holding a Parish Council meeting which will be open to the public on Monday 2nd August 2021 at 7pm, the venue will be within the Reawla/Wall area.  Further information including the agenda for the meeting and the venue will be available via www.ggpc.org.uk on the evening of Wednesday 28th July 2021.

Due to covid the Parish Council may need to restrict the number of parishioners attending this meeting and we encourage you to use the comments section at the bottom of this page to raise any comments on this potential scheme for the Parish Council to consider at the meeting.

Please note this is a pre-consultation community engagement fact-find and there will be another opportunity for members of the public to comment and discuss the scheme details before Cornwall Council submit any planning application, Cornwall Council would appreciate comments on what form any community engagement should take such as a stand in the Parish Hall where the public can discuss the scheme with Cornwall Council representatives at a future date.

Cornwall Council have provided a red-line plan showing the boundary of the plot they propose developing which you can view by click the following link:-

Relistian Lane plan

Cornwall Council advise that the plan shows some key features referenced below as proposed for information/discussion:-

Cornwall Council propose sole vehicular access to the development will be from Relistian Lane. With them widening the entrance to create visibility splays and introduce traffic calming measures with the use of a speed table junction spanning the entrance and Copper Meadows, which would slow traffic approaching the Parish Hall from the other side;

A bank of parking spaces is earmarked just inside the entrance to the right for use by the Parish Hall;

The Public Open Space areas will be designed to increase biodiversity and provide amenity space, together with forming a natural boundary with the properties on Relistian Lane;

There is a segregated space proposed for allotments (shown as indicative blocks) at the Eastern boundary together with dedicated parking accessed from Relistian Park. This access will not connect with the development;

Additional footpath access will be provided from the development through Relistian Park to the local facilities;

The Cornish hedges around the perimeter will be retained and Cornwall Council would look to extend around the South Eastern boundary if possible.

Cornwall Council intend to transfer the parking areas and allotments to the Parish Council to manage.

Cornwall Council are currently considering various layout options which are still a work in progress and will be largely dictated by the biodiversity requirements being calculated, but as a general principle the scheme mix will consist of 1 bed flats/houses, 1.5 bed bungalows and 2, 3 and 4 bed houses to reflect local housing need; with tenures of Social or Affordable Rent and Shared Ownership. Cornwall Council would also make provision for a number of fully accessible units for tenants with particular needs.

Cornwall Council propose the next steps, with indicative dates are as follows:

  1. Over the next few months: Carry out a detailed Housing Need Survey in the Parish to supplement the Homechoice Register
  2. Following feedback from the Parish Council undertake a public engagement exercise
  3. Submit a Pre-App for comment

Following that:

Target submission of a planning application – 2Q 2022

Start works on site – 1Q 2023

Handovers – 2/3Q 2024

Cornwall Council would very much appreciate feedback on the following, and also any general queries:

  1. Is there support of this scheme as a general principle?
  2. Are there any particular amenity features that would be desirable (in addition to or as an alternative to the provision of allotments/Hall parking),
  3. what is the preferred size of allotment plots?
  4. Is there any preference/comments on the format of community engagement? Other consultations are currently being carried out via websites although it may be possible to put a stand in the Parish Hall when Covid restrictions are lifted;
  5. Are there any opinions regarding the number of units/persons that could be accommodated on the site? On this point it should be noted that the largest category of units will be 1-bed which will mean less people and traffic than the traditional 2/3-beds.

The Parish Council asks that you submit your comments on this potential scheme via the comments bar at the bottom of this page by 9am Monday 2nd August 2021.

Below is the Parish Council’s report from the consultation and meeting:-

Potential affordable hsg scheme on land Reawla-community response final



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