Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council currently has two members of part-time staff. The Clerk, Mrs Vida Perrin, who is also the Parish Council’s Responsible Financial Officer and Mrs Tracey Goldsworthy, Administrative and Finance Assistant.
The Parish Council also holds a contract with a Community Pride Operative/Team (CPO/CPT) which plays an integral role in the upkeep of our Parish, maintaining and managing the Parish assets.
To include frequently inspecting our playing fields in Reawla and Connor Downs, removing litter from bins and reporting damage to the Parish Council.
Being responsible for reporting potholes to Cornwall Council Highways, and overgrown verges and carrying out minor trimming where appropriate. Reporting roadside litter and fly tipping to Cornwall Council as well as street lights and missing or damaged street name signs to CC.
The CPO/CPT empty the cemetery litter bins and keeps the Parish Council’s five bus shelters clean. Regularly checking the Parish Council’s buildings, defibrillators, cemetery, allotments and the Gwithian Green nature reserve.
The Council also holds a contract with a Playground Management Team who ensure the parks at Reawla and Connor Downs are safe to use as well as maintaining the grass, flower borders and equipment on our behalf.
Contractors are used to fulfill duties with other organisations such as under the Local Maintenance Partnership (LMP) which ensures certain Public Rights of Way (PROW) are usable, these are generally gold paths as set out by Cornwall Council (CC). This Partnership is held with CC and they are legally responsible for the PROW.
The Parish Council has taken on responsibility for weed spraying alongside highway paths, this was previously carried out by Cornwall Council as the Highway Authority but many Parish Council’s have taken over responsibility for this. We currently use a contractor for these works which take place in late spring and late summer every year on publicly owned roads within the Parish. The Parish Council is considering more environmentally friendly ways to tackle weeds on highway paths.
The Council also manages Gwithian Green Local Nature Reserve/Common with Natural England and a team of volunteers with expert local knowledge and a keen interest in conservation.
Clerk’s Profile
Mrs Vida Perrin
Clerk to the Council
Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council
Vida’s first role in Local Government started in 2002 when she was employed as an Administrative Assistant involved in the day to day running of a large Parish Council. Her job developed over the coming years and she was promoted to Clerk’s Assistant taking on various new roles and managing projects from start to finish. After 6 years a vacancy for Clerk at Gwinear-Gwithian was advertised and whilst it was a difficult decision for her to leave that role, we’re glad she made the move and brought her wealth of experience to the Parish of Gwinear-Gwithian.
Vida has been in the post of Parish Clerk at Gwinear-Gwithian since January 2008. In that time she has gained a great knowledge of the Parish and the close knit and vibrant community she serves so diligently and well. In February 2017 Vida passed the Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA). The CiLCA qualification provides a broad knowledge of all the aspects of a clerk’s work – roles and responsibilities, the law, procedures, finance planning and community involvement.
For more information on the role of the Parish Clerk see here.