
The Parish Council is a key consultee for planning applications within the area of Gwinear-Gwithian, every planning application within the Parish is discussed at one of our Ordinary Meetings and you can find the information on forthcoming applications on our agenda and notice boards.

At our Ordinary Meetings we always hold a period of public participation where parishioners can come along and give us their views on planning applications or any other matter within the Parish.

The Parish Council has split the Parish of Gwinear-Gwithian in to four areas for planning purposes and each Councillor plays a vital role in their own Planning Zone. As well as making sure they are fully aware of the plans themselves, our Councillors will if needed, visit the site and speak with the applicant and other local residents regarding the application, to ensure the Parish Council is fully aware of parishioner’s views. The Planning Zone Councillor will then report this information at the meeting where the application is to be discussed by the Parish Council.

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