Informal drop in session regarding planning for the future-NDO/NDP – Gwithian

Jan 8, 2013 | Parish News

The Parish Council are holding an informal drop in session at Gwithian Church Hall on Saturday January 12th between 2pm and 4pm regarding planning for the future-NDO/NDP.  This session is open to anyone (regardless of where they live) you can come and have a chat with Councillors about the possible options (see below) we have open to us.

This whole process is very new not just to the general public but to us too, there are few examples out there to look at and we will all have questions that lead to more questions along the way I am sure.

Option 1) consider putting into place an NDO (Neighbourhood Development Order) for Gwithian Towans.

Option 2) consider an NDP (Neighbourhood Development Plan) for the whole of the Gwinear-Gwithian Parish, which could contain separate planning policies covering Gwithian Towans.

Option 3) “do nothing” and rely on policies contained in the Cornwall Council Local Plan and other statutory means such as SSSI etc to provide the necessary protection for Gwithian Towans.

The Parish Council have been in consultation with Cornwall Council regarding the future of Gwithian Towans.  We had been advised up until December 2012 that an NDO would probably be the best way forward and this was our reasoning for pursuing this option.  The whole point of exploring these options is to ensure that one of the most important and most beautiful parts of our Parish is protected for the future.

We hope to hold a similar session again later in January as well as a formal meeting towards the end of January.  The formal meeting will be crucial as together we will vote on which option to pursue.


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