Neighbourhood Planning – how to get involved

Oct 17, 2013 | Parish News

Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council has been successful in designating the Parish as a Neighbourhood Plan Area.

You can view details about this and the neighbourhood plan process here – neighbourhood-planning

We would like you to be involved in the plan so please take a look at the different ways to get involved:-

Steering Group Member

The Parish Council has formed a Steering Group from Parish Council members to initiate the process so far (NP Status & grant funding).  We are keen for other interested parties to join the Steering Group to broaden its representation.

The Steering Group’s purpose is to ‘manage’ the neighbourhood plan process and make recommendations to the Parish Council. We are seeking people that know the parish well, have an interest in planning matters, enjoy working alongside others and feel comfortable participating in a ‘committee’ type environment.

The Steering Group meets on the second Tuesday of each month at the Parish Office commencing 9.30am. You would need to be able to attend these meetings on a regular basis and be able to communicate regularly with the other members.

If you are interested please use the Skills and Time Bank questionnaire below to tell us about yourself.

Task Group Participant

The Steering Group will be setting up task groups to carry out different aspects of the neighbourhood planning process. These groups may focus on a particular area of the Parish or a particular theme such as housing, community, environment, economy or infrastructure issues. We require people who will do things like surveys and interviews, preparing exhibitions, researching and computer-based work.

If you can offer us some of your time to work on the Neighbourhood Plan we will endeavour to find a task that suits your particular skills or interests and agree with you a set period of time for you to be involved.

If you are willing to help please use the Skills and Time Bank questionnaire below to tell us about yourself.


Everyone who lives in the Parish is a consultee and without your support the Neighbourhood Plan will not stand up to scrutiny. If you would like your role to just be for consultation purposes then please let us know and we will ensure you are on our regular mailing list as well as keep you aware of all of the consultation events we will undertake over the next couple of years.

Skills and Time Bank questionnaire


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