Community Energy Switch – Autumn Scheme

Oct 6, 2016 | Parish News

Registration for Community Energy Switch’s autumn collective switch is now open and householders have until 31st October to register their interest, with no obligation to switch, at or call Freephone 0800 954 1956.

How Community Energy Switch works

 Community Energy Switch is open to everyone – whether they live in or outside Cornwall.  This includes people who own their own homes, rent from a private landlord or social housing provider, as well as if they pay their energy bills by direct debit, cheque, cash or pre-payment meter.

In order to access the winning tariffs, households need to register before midnight on 31st October, after which UK energy suppliers will compete to offer the cheapest exclusive tariffs. 

Householders who register their details will be contacted with details of the winning energy deal on 1st November.  They will be able to compare the exclusive winning tariffs against all other tariffs on the market, alongside the supplier’s customer service ratings. If another tariff suits their energy needs more, they can sign up for that instead. There will also be tariffs from smaller energy suppliers on offer, along with green tariffs. 

Once someone has agreed to switch, the necessary arrangements will be made on their behalf with their old and new suppliers.





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