Tree Safety Management
The parish council requires quotations for the following works
The following sites are to be included in the contract:-
1. Reawla Play Park, off Henver Close, Reawla, Hayle, TR27 5HG
2. Elizabeth Sampson Playing Field, off Arundel Way, Connor Downs, Hayle, TR27 5DS
3. Connor Downs Cemetery, off Gwithian Road, Connor Downs, Hayle, TR27 5EA
4. Connor Downs Allotment (adj to cemetery)
5. Gwithian Green Local Nature Reserve and adjacent land, off Churchtown Road, Gwithian, TR27 5BX
Undertake the following works:-
• Annual formal safety inspection
• Post storm informal inspections
• Works to trees as agreed with the council
For a full quote pack please contact Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council . Unit 3 Bosprowal Farm . Penhale Road . Carnhell Green . Camborne . Cornwall . TR14 0LU
Tel: +44 (0)1209 614618 (Parish Office) . email:
I should be pleased to receive your quote to me no later than Sunday 3rd December 2017.