PA19/05652-Change of use of land and construction of a Green Waste Open Windrow Composting Facility and associated infrastructure | Land West Of New Mill Roseworthy Hill Roseworthy Cornwall

Sep 18, 2019 | Parish News

Further to the Parish Council meetings on the 12th August and 9th September when this application was discussed, the Parish Council forwarded a list of concerns raised by the community at those meetings to the applicant for comment prior to the special meeting this Friday.

You can view the list of concerns raised by the community here – points raised by community – green waste application – 9-9-19

Today the Parish Council received the following reply from the applicant’s agent – Development Summary September 2019 Final

The public meeting to further discuss this application is this Friday (20th) at the WI hall in Connor Downs starting at 7pm.  This meeting is a further opportunity for the community to gather information and raise any concerns not already addressed, with the view to the Parish Council making its formal comments to Cornwall Council at a future Parish Council meeting so that an informed decision can be taken.


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