Cornwall Council COVID-19 Information Packs For People & Businesses

Oct 26, 2020 | Parish News

Cornwall Council has produced three information packs.  They are aimed at helping residents, businesses and voluntary organisations get the help they need during these uncertain times.

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The first is a community pack. This will be made available to community groups across the county.  It will help them to make sure residents, including the most vulnerable, have access to the right support.

It contains information and advice on issues such as:

  • finances
  • council tax
  • food provision
  • help for those facing eviction
  • how to access a COVID-19 test

The second is a business pack. This is aimed at any organisation that employs staff, including schools and charities.

The pack provides general information on the support available to businesses. It also features guidance on what to do if one or more employees test positive for coronavirus.

The third is a self-isolation pack. This is aimed at reassuring residents that support is available throughout their period of home isolation. Including a £500 support grant for people on lower incomes.

This pack also reminds people:

  • what self-isolation means
  • why it is important

how long it needs to be maintained depending on symptoms, household bubbles, NHS Test and Trace contact and test results

The packs will be made available to community groups and businesses as well as on the Healthy Workplaces website. They are also available in different languages to ensure they are as accessible to as many people as possible.


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