NHS Summary
For 18 months we have been working together with people in St Ives and Penwith to understand the needs of local people and to explore the role of Edward Hain Community Hospital to provide the right health and care support to people.
This work, which has been led by NHS Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS Kernow) in partnership with community stakeholders, has now concluded.
This work has told us the hospital is no longer able to provide health and care. This also means it is not suitable to continue to deliver the podiatry and mental health clinics that run there.
Have your say
We want to make sure everyone has had a chance to get involved and share their views about how it could affect people if Edward Hain community hospital was not available, and what might help with any concerns people have. We want to do this before NHS Kernow’s Governing Body makes a formal decision about the future of the hospital.
There are lots of ways you can get involved. We are asking for people’s views from today (7 October) through to 4 November. We are also writing to the people who attend or work at the mental health and podiatry clinics at Edward Hain Community Hospital for their views.
Please find attached an Edward Hain community Hospital Engagement report which details the work that has been undertaken so far – and how you can share your views with us.
Please tell your friends and family in St Ives and Penwith so they can have their say too.
Public meeting
You can also attend a virtual public meeting on 22 October at 5.30pm via Microsoft Teams. To join, type bit.ly/36puK7k into a browser like Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Firefox.
More information
For more information on this work or how to get involved visit our dedicated webpage here.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at