Cornwall Council’s Christmas concern as Covid-19 cases rise across Cornwall

Dec 22, 2020 | Parish News

People across Cornwall are being urged to keep their guard up as cases of Covid-19 start to rise across our communities.

Members of the multi-agency Local Outbreak Engagement Board, led by Cornwall Council, heard today (Friday, December 18) that the number of infections has risen again since the end of the last lockdown.

The current rate of infection is around 33 per 100,000, up from 18 just a week ago, and shows no signs of slowing down.

This puts Cornwall on a par with many other areas of the UK in terms of the increase in rate of transmission.

Members of the board, which includes the Council, NHS Kernow and Visit Cornwall, are now urging residents to stick closely to the public health guidance and think carefully about their Christmas and new year plans.

Cllr Julian German, Leader of Cornwall Council, said: “It is now more important than ever that we follow the rules and get Covid-19 back under control in Cornwall.

“We’re currently in the lowest tier but we can’t afford to drop our guard at Christmas. If we do then the virus will sneak back in and spread from home to home, as it has done in recent weeks.

“Residents need to think long and hard about their Christmas and new year plans – is it worth risking the health of so many people for a one-off get-together? We’d also urge visitors to think about whether they really need to travel to Cornwall in the coming days.

“Put simply, to relax now would undo all the hard work and sacrifices that people have made. It would cost lives, damage our economy and would be frankly unforgivable.”

Rachel Wigglesworth, Director of Public Health for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, said: “We know it is incredibly easy to catch and spread coronavirus. You can spread it to others even if you and the people you meet have no symptoms.

“With this in mind, we are asking people to consider these risks carefully before agreeing to form a Christmas bubble. You could always celebrate Christmas in other ways, by using technology or meeting outdoors for a walk, without bringing households together or travelling between different parts of the country.”

More information about Christmas bubbles, rule of six, visiting other areas and other festive advice is available on the council’s website at

For the latest information on the pandemic in Cornwall, including the most recent data and details on how to access support, visit

For more information on the rules and guidance visit




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