New project – Parish Cycling & Walking Initiative

Jan 22, 2021 | Parish Cycling & Walking Initiative

Background – A local resident approached the Parish Council in December 2020 after undertaking extensive research and putting together potential routes to include information on their condition.  The Council considered the project which if successful would include up to four routes within the Parish using existing Public Rights of Way, unadopted paths and the public highway which would have good accessibility for both walking and cycling and the Council approved in January 2021 to form a Working Group to see if the project could be brought to fruition.

Outline of project – The Council approved that the working group undertake the following and make recommendations to the Council for approval once further information has been gathered:-

    • Add the project to the Parish Council’s Infrastructure Needs Assessment – INA (The INA is a document which forms part of the adopted Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish.  It can be updated to cater for the needs of the community as well as being used to help gain funding for projects from grant providers/development which may be relevant to the project.)
    • Formally write to CC CNP manager advising them of the project and asking for support.
    • Seek views of relevant local groups and organisations on the project
    • Work with CC to identify specific landowners
    • Where no specific landowner can be found write to local resident’s for their opinion/support of the scheme
    • Look at works/costs required to make the routes accessible /inviting and what grant funds may be available
    • Consider including a leaflet and an interactive map both for printing and for online to promote the routes as part of any grant applications


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