Are you aged between 13 and 18 and interested in becoming a Volunteer Police Cadet?

Nov 22, 2021 | Parish News

A newly formed Penzance Police Cadet Unit is due to start in November 2021. Devon and Cornwall Police are therefore looking to recruit new Cadets for the unit which will be based at Humphry Davy School. Moving forward, if uptake is strong for the Penzance unit there is the potential of a new unit starting in Hayle/St Ives in the future.

The role of a Police Cadet is extremely varied and you will develop a wide range of skills while having fun and helping your local community.  Cadets participate in many activities such as teambuilding tasks, community engagement events, drill, and interactive sessions with departments within the Force.

Potential cadets need to be aged 13 at the time of appointment and no older than 18, with a keen desire to get involved in their communities as well as build on their knowledge and experience through team activities and training.

For more information or any queries, please get in touch with the West Cornwall Youth Engagement Officer, PC Phil Rees via email at


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