Keeping Cornwall Updated – Covid 19 cases are high in Cornwall

Jan 10, 2022 | Parish News

Please send all coronavirus related enquiries or issues to Cornwall Council’s dedicated email address

Covid-19 cases are high in Cornwall

Omicron is spreading quickly in Cornwall and we are currently seeing our highest ever rates. If you have symptoms similar to a cold or flu please get a PCR test.

Demand for tests is high right now, so if there are no tests showing as available please try again every few hours, as more slots are released throughout the day.

Book a PCR test if you have symptoms

Rules about isolation and testing have changed

Some guidance surrounding Covid-19 has changed over the past few weeks.

Shorter self isolation if you have a negative test on two consecutive days from days six onward:

If you’ve tested positive for Covid you can now end self-isolation after seven days by providing negative lateral flow results on two consecutive days from days six and seven.

  • This new guidance about only needing an LFD test to confirm you as a case applies to everyone, regardless of vaccination status.

But, there are some other considerations you should be aware of:

  • People who are not vaccinated must still isolate for the full 10 days if they are a contact of a positive case
  • You can’t end your isolation if you still have a high temperature, even after 10 days
  • If you do stop isolating after seven days please try to limit contact with vulnerable people, avoid crowded or unventilated areas if possible, and work from home if you can.

The need to get a confirmatory PCR has changed.

From Tuesday 11 February if you have no symptoms but test positive on an LFD you no longer the need to get a confirmatory PCR. Instead, you should isolate for 10 days BUT you can leave self-isolation early if:

  • You have no symptoms AND,
  • you have two consecutive negative LFD tests on day six and seven, or days seven and eight etc.


Find out more about the changes

Please don’t just turn up at A&E

Our hospitals and care services are under pressure at the moment and we need you to help us by calling 111 first, and not just turning up at A&E.

111 will help you to get the help that’s right for you. They might send you to a minor injury unit instead where you may be seen more quickly. They can treat  broken bones, burns, animal and insect bites, deep cuts that need stitching, or you need an x-ray.

Pharmacists can help with minor ailments such as cystitis, conjunctivitis, impetigo and rashes. They can also provide over the counter remedies to treat coughs and colds and can even issue regular medications you take in an emergency.

Only visit the emergency department or call 999 for life threatening conditions such as heart attacks and strokes.

Call 111 or visit 111 online

Get moving this month

January usually sees many of us taking action on new year’s resolutions, with a new fitness regime often top of the to-do list.

This year, why not give yourself permission to forget about a ‘new you’ – there’s nothing wrong with the ‘old you’ anyway – but maybe think about working towards a ‘slightly healthier, happier you’ instead.

Text ‘30 ways’ to 82228 to join Healthy Cornwall’s 30 Ways in 30 Days physical activity scheme. It’s perfect for people who’ve done little to no exercise in the past and you can do it in just a few minutes a day. Get the kids and your other half to join in too and make it part of your families’ day.

Find out more

Funding available for suicide prevention projects

Voluntary and community groups are being offered funding to create innovative 12-month projects designed to prevent suicide and reduce self-harm.

The money is being made available through Cornwall Council and NHS Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) following the success of a similar scheme last year. Any formally constituted community group, charity or organisation can apply for a sum of up to £25,000. Those who applied last year are welcome to submit another application.

Groups can apply by visiting our project page where they can see a list of previous successful projects.

If you are worried about your own or someone else’s mental health help and advice is available at, or call the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 24/7 NHS mental health response line on 0800 038 5300. It’s free to access by anyone, any age, any time, day or night.

Find out more and apply

If you work in Cornwall’s creative industry we want to hear from you

Do you work within the Creative Industries in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly? Or do you earn extra income through a creative passion alongside your day job? If so, we need to hear from you through this Creative Census.

The Creative Industries are a strategic priority for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly and by taking part you’ll help us get to know your business better an help us understand how to support the sector to flourish.

Cornwall is also bidding to become UK City of Culture 2025 and we’re one of the long listed locations. Having high-quality data from this census is essential. It will helps us underpin both why Cornwall needs the City of Culture award, and why we deserve it!

So, if you work in a museum or art gallery, you’re a photographer, musician, film maker, theatre technician, architect, part-time crafter, writer or game designer, we want to hear from you!

Complete the Creative Census

Keep up to date with young people’s mental health 

Start Now is launching its brand new e-newsletter for young people this January.

Encourage the young people you know to sign up. They can keep up to date with all the latest ways to improve wellbeing, whether that’s coping with exam stress, transitioning from primary to secondary school or even meeting new friends and teachers.

Access all our resources directly with just one click.

Sign up now

Recycle your Christmas tree 

Thinking about how you can be greener in 2022? Start by recycling your real Christmas tree!

You can take your tree to your nearest Household Waste and Recycling Centre for composting.

If you subscribe to our garden waste service and would like your real Christmas tree collected, please put it out on your normal garden waste collection day.

If you don’t have a garden waste subscription, you can put it out on your normal rubbish collection day between Monday 10 January and Friday 14 January and we’ll collect it for composting.

We can collect real Christmas trees up to six feet tall. Please cut your tree in two if it’s larger than six feet. Trees will be shredded and composted, so make sure you remove the pot and any decorations.

Find out more


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