Latest Council & Community News

GGSCF May Funding Round Open & AGM 2024

GGSCF May Funding Round Open & AGM 2024

GGSCF May 24 Funding Round Open GGSCF is a community benefit charity which offers funding to the parish for local projects which improve the sustainability of the community.  If a local group has a project that needs cash funding, GGSCF funding round is open and...

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Measles Risk & the Importance of Vaccination

Measles Risk & the Importance of Vaccination

Some key points from Cornwall Council's Public Health on the risk of Measles and importance of vaccination along with further information in the attached MMR leaflet: UKHSA-12330-MMR-for-all-leaflet_June2022 Measles is a nasty viral decease that can cause severe...

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Rejuvenation of the Elizabeth Sampson playing field (ESPF)

Rejuvenation of the Elizabeth Sampson playing field (ESPF)

A new facebook page has been created dedicated to the rejuvenation of the public open space in Connor Downs known as the Elizabeth Sampson playing field (ESPF). To keep up to date with progress please visit

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Contract for Grass cutting & maintenance

Contract for Grass cutting & maintenance

CONTRACT - Grass cutting & maintenance Scope of Contract : Grass cutting at the Parish Council owned Elizabeth Sampson Playing Field, off Arundel Way, Connor Downs, Hayle & Reawla Park off Henver Close, Reawla - Approximately 21 cuts per year Grass cutting at...

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