Contract for Grass cutting & maintenance

Dec 13, 2023 | Parish News

CONTRACTGrass cutting & maintenance

Scope of Contract :

  • Grass cutting at the Parish Council owned Elizabeth Sampson Playing Field, off Arundel Way, Connor Downs, Hayle & Reawla Park off Henver Close, Reawla – Approximately 21 cuts per year
  • Grass cutting at the Parish Council owned cemetery off Gwithian Road, Connor Downs, Hayle – Approximately 18 cuts per year
  • Grass cutting/strimming at the following locations:-
  1. Reawla Triangle, junction of Reawla Lane/Trenerth Road
  2. Footpath 101/12/1 – from Reawla Stores to Reawla Park
  3. Reawla Stores bus stop (bus stop ID corajapt)
  4. Bus stop to Horsepool triangle, Horsepool Rd, Connor Downs

Approximately 4 cuts per year to be carried out in March, June, August & November

  • Trimmings for all projects are to be blown from paths, graves and other surfaces and removed.
  • Extra work as required.

Date of commencement of contract :  1st March 2024

  • This will be a three-year contract, bid as a lump sum per year (conditions apply)
  • Extra work will be bid at an hourly rate

If you would like a quotation pack please contact

Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council

Clerk to the Council, Mrs Vida Perrin on 01736 850129

or email:

Closing date for completed quotes is 9am Wednesday 3rd January 2024

Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council, Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Hall, Copper Meadows, Reawla, Gwinear, HAYLE TR27 5FN (By appointment only)



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