Parish Planning & Applications

Cornwall Council (CC) is the Planning Authority and makes the decision regarding whether a planning application is approved or refused, the Parish Council (PC) is a ‘consultee’ and can make comments on applications and ask for an application to go to CC’s planning committee under certain circumstances.  Anyone has the right to make a planning application. CC notifies the PC of an application in its Parish and the PC usually has 21 days to comment.  CC also has a duty to inform the community.

You can view Cornwall Council Planning Register via the following link

Please click on the following links to see the adopted Gwinear-Gwithian Neighbourhood Plan:-



The Planning Process

The PC usually puts the planning application on the public agenda of its next meeting.  This agenda will be made public 3 clear days prior to the meeting (so on the evening of the Wednesday prior to the meeting date).  The agenda is advertised on the PC website, facebook and twitter pages (details of our pages are below).  The PC puts the agenda up in the Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Hall at Copper Meadows, Gwinear, Reawla and may also put it up in notice boards in Gwithian, Gwinear, Connor Downs, Reawla and Carnhell Green villages on the Wednesday before the meeting.  The PC is not obliged by law to contact neighbouring properties of planning applications.

The PC holds around 22 public meetings every year almost all of these being on a Monday evening starting at 7pm on the second and fourth Monday of each month (other than August & December or due to bank holidays when it is only the second Monday in the month).

The PC makes every effort to hold public meetings around the Parish at different locations for parishioners to attend.  These venues include Reawla, Gwithian and Connor Downs.  Our meetings are open to the public and we hold a period of public participation at the start of every meeting to allow the community to comment on applications.

The Parish Council has split the Parish of Gwinear-Gwithian in to four areas for planning purposes and Councillors play a vital role in their own Planning Zone. As well as making sure they are fully aware of the plans themselves, our Councillors will if needed, visit the site and speak with the applicant and other local residents regarding the application to ensure the Parish Council is fully aware of parishioner’s views. The Planning Zone Councillors will then report this information at the meeting where the application is to be discussed by the Parish Council.

The best way to ensure you are notified of planning applications near you is to register with the planning authority CC to receive emails when an application comes up in your area.

The Parish Council has put together this step by step guide on how to register with CC to receive emails regarding new planning applications – How to register with Cornwall Council to receive notification of planning applications in your area

You can also find more advice on planning matters via the CC website at

Anyone needing information on pre-applications or enforcements can contact Cornwall Council planning department or the Parish Council, the Parish Council are not generally consulted on these but they may be able to help.

To view the Parish Council Planning Policy please click on the link : PLANNING POLICY – Feb 2021

The Parish Council also adopted the pre-application protocol on 28th November 2016.  This protocol has been put together in partnership with Cornwall Association of Local Councils (CALC) and Cornwall Council.  You can follow the links below to view the protocol for our parish:-

planning pre-app-protocol-agreement-v2

planning local-council-pre-application-protocol-v2

Planning – Local Council Pre App Protocol – Registration and Profile v2 – ggp