Planning for the future – NDO/NDP – Gwithian Towans

Jan 15, 2013 | Parish News

Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council is holding a public meeting at Gwithian Church Hall on Tuesday January 29th at 7pm regarding planning for the future-NDO/NDP – Gwithian Towans

This meeting is open to anyone and follows on from the informal drop in session and previous meetings held by the Parish Council regarding the way forward for Gwithian Towans

The Parish Council asks that those present who have registered to do so vote on the options available.  The purpose of the vote is for the Parish Council to gauge the strength of public feeling for the options before committing time and resource to facilitating the process.

The options open to us are:-

Option 1) consider putting into place an NDO (Neighbourhood Development Order) for Gwithian Towans.

Option 2) consider an NDP (Neighbourhood Development Plan) for the whole of the Gwinear-Gwithian Parish, which could contain separate planning policies covering Gwithian Towans.

Option 3) “do nothing” and rely on policies contained in the Cornwall Council Local Plan and other statutory means such as SSSI etc to provide the necessary protection for Gwithian Towans.


6.30pm – Registration (attendees can register prior to the start of the meeting as outlined below)

7.00pm – Meeting

1. Chairman’s report – report on the process so far, advice given and comments made from the session.

2. Period for question and answer.

3. Vote.  (Due to time constraints and voting numbers we may not be able to give a clear indication of the outcome at the meeting but all those who voted will receive an analysis of the vote.  There may also be votes from those unable to attend the meeting to follow)

We ask that you register to vote in advance of the meeting where possible. Please click here for the registration form or contact the office before Thursday 24th January.  We ask that members of the public allow time to register on arrival at the meeting, if they have not already done so, to be able vote on the options.


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