Cornwall Council consultations – affordable housing, mobile libraries & school transport

Feb 12, 2014 | Parish News

Cornwall Council are currently undertaking the following consultations.

Affordable Housing

Planning applications for new homes must contribute to the provision of affordable homes for local people. The Council has produced draft guidance on policy requirements for affordable housing. We would welcome your views on this document. 

The consultation period runs for six weeks from Friday 31st January 2014 until Friday 14th March 2014

How to view the document

All documents may be viewed on the Council’s website at:

How to comment

Comments can be submitted by e-mail using the form available at:

To be emailed to the Affordable Housing Team at:

During the consultation period, printed copies of the documents and comment forms will be available to view at all One-Stop-Shops and libraries. Completed response forms should be sent to:

Cornwall Council, Affordable Housing Team, Circuit House, St Clement Street, Truro TR1 1DT

Please submit any comments by 5:00pm on 14th March 2014.

Mobile Libraries

Proposals on recommendations to replace the Council’s existing mobile library and mobile one stop services with a range of community based initiatives will go out for a 12 week public consultation from today, Monday 03 February 2014. 

Cornwall Council cabinet member for partnerships Adam Paynter said:  “The existing mobile service is facing a 50% budget cut and we are undertaking this 12 week consultation on plans to potentially cease the mobile library and mobile one stop shop service, replacing it with a number of community based initiatives. We want the views of service users and partners as we consult on the possibility of delivering these services in a different way.” 

The consultation will be available online from today at and the Council will also be attending Community Network meetings across Cornwall to discuss proposals with communities, members and Parish/Town Councils.

For more information or advice contact (01872) 224300

Written submissions can be sent to Room C3.08, Truro One Stop Shop, Carrick House, Truro, Cornwall TR1 1EB

School Transport

The Council is consulting on proposed changes to how home to school transport is provided and want to hear from anyone who is interested in or uses home to school transport.  If the proposed changes are approved they will come into effect from September 2014.

The consultation on home to school transport involves:
• eligibility for transport free of charge
• transport for which the parent/carer makes a financial contribution
• provision for children with special educational needs and other individual needs, including medical and health needs.

A consultation document that summarises the proposed changes is available along with the full proposed Home to School Transport Policy 2014/15. Both the documents are available on our website or on request by calling 0300 1234 101.

The consultation will run from Monday 13 January 2014 to Friday 28 February 2014.

Anyone interested in commenting on the proposed changes can do so in a number of ways, including:
• Complete the feedback form contained in the consultation document and either post or email it to us using the contact details below, or
• Email or
• Write to School Transport Commissioning Team, East 0, New County Hall, Truro, TR1 3AY

The results of the consultation will be considered by Cornwall Council in April 2014 and come into effect in September 2014.

Click on the links below for the consultation documents:


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