Connor Downs Streetscape Highway Infrastructure consultation

Jul 30, 2015 | Parish News


Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council has for some time now wanted to improve the Highways infrastructure across the Parish.

As a Parish Council we only have the power to spend money on infrastructure improvements to the Highway, the works must be approved and carried out by Cornwall Council (the Highway Authority).

The Parish Council also needs to manage the money it has to spend on these improvements and ensure that they are spent evenly and fairly across the Parish with priority for areas of most need.

The Parish Council has produced an Infrastructure Needs Assessment (INA) and has been working with the local community group, Connor Downs Resident Association to ascertain what they think is required and together we have produced a community questionnaire.

We hope the measures we are proposing will help tackle the main issues in Connor Downs, speeding and pedestrian safety.

You should get a copy of the questionnaire through your door inside this months CDRA magazine so keep an eye out for it.

To fill the questionnaire out online please click the following link:-

Connor Downs Streetscape Highway Infrastructure Consultation

The closing date to return this questionnaire is 9th August 2015

You can drop your completed questionnaire in to the Connor Downs post office where you will find a Parish Council drop off box



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