Friends Of Towans Gains Charitable Status

Oct 19, 2020 | Parish News

Many Gwinear/Gwithian residents will be aware of the work of a small band of local people who have, in recent years, generously given over 4,000 hours of their valuable time towards keeping the precious habitats on the wonderful Towans in good condition. This group formed 5 years ago, but has recently gained official charity status and now intends to increase its work even more through involving more people in activities, bidding for grants and generally raising the profile of the Towans even more.

Most of the activities have been led by the Towans Ranger Martin Rule, who says: ‘Becoming an official charity could not come at a better time for the Friends of the Towans. Firstly it’s well-deserved recognition for their hard work and commitment, but also it comes at a time when not only are more people coming to realise the value of their local green spaces to their own health and well-being, and seeking ways of getting closer to nature, but also, such areas are coming under more pressure from development and an increasing human population.

During lockdown, having the Towans nearby was a life-line for many people, who have commented on how beautiful and refreshing it was to be able to breath the sea air and walk among drifts of wildflowers – especially in the incredible spring we had this year.

Ironically perhaps, it’s at this time of year as the birds stop nesting and flowers have seeded, that most of the active conservation work needed to keep these habitats flourishing is carried out. So, if you’d like to join our merry gang and get involved in cutting back brambles, gorse and various invasive plants, please contact Martin on 07854 123 877 or We can offer good company, great views and gentle or vigorous exercise to suit your needs! We meet at least once a week, working in various places between Hayle and Godrevy. It would be lovely to welcome you along.

You may also spot our hairy colleagues, several Shetland ponies, up at Lethlean, who have just returned for the winter to help keep the encroaching scrub at bay. We plan to bring other ponies back to Mexico and Upton Towans very soon too.

More info can be found at


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