The Parish Council was recently approached by an ecologist to undertake a moth survey on Gwithian Green. Our Gwithian Green Advisory Group Chairman met him one damp cloudy but warm evening a few weeks ago. The ecologist set out four traps with the help of some friends. His findings included an incredible 102 species and over 400 specimens.
One of the species, Barrett’s Marbled Coronet, is a Red Data Book National Scarce B ( Seen in 31-100 Km squares in GB) which is an impressive find but he also identified a rare micromoth, a Coast Conch. This is the first sighting in Cornwall and found in one of only three other areas in England.
The ecologist has sent details of the Coast Conch to the moth recorder in Cornwall and a specialist at the Natural History Museum. He has confirmed it is a correct identification. It has also been confirmed by a Senior Moth expert at Butterfly Conservation. It is not yet on the red data book list but is proposed for inclusion.
As always some of the most rare species are not always the most attractive and a micromoth is really micro but this is a brilliant find and confirms that the Green has exceptional habitats. Two of the larval food plants, Lousewort and Yellow Rattle, can be found on the Green.