Public Consultation Events – Proposed Copper Bottom Solar Farm

Nov 9, 2021 | Parish News

Aura Power is proposing to develop a solar farm on land to the southwest of Barripper.  They are offering an online public consultation event as well as an in-person public exhibition to present their initial plans and understand feedback from the local community.  Both events provide a platform to learn more about the proposal and ask questions direct to the project team.

Copper Bottom Solar Farm – Poster

Copper Bottom Solar Farm – Proposed Site Area

Information is also available on the website:


We will be sharing the details of our initial proposal at both of the events below and invite the local community to attend to ask questions and provide their feedback.

Online event: Wednesday 24th November at 6pm

To register to attend the online event please click here.

In person exhibition: Wednesday 1st December 4pm – 7pm

Barripper Methodist Church, 18 African Row, Barripper, Camborne TR14 0QU – No need to register, just turn up (Covid safety measures in place)

The webinar will be recorded and the exhibition boards will also be made available on the website after the events have taken place.  We are always happy to have a conversation over the phone or arrange a visit in person, please use the contact details below:

Tel:      0117 214 1971
Post:    Aura Power Solar UK LTD, Penthouse Office, 30 Queen Square, Bristol, BS1 4ND



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