Notification of Airborne Geophysical Survey

Dec 13, 2021 | Parish News

Please see the attached letter for full details of the survey which is due to start on or shortly after the 14th December 2021:  Bell Geo Parishes_Letter Notification

Further details can also be found on the Bell Geospace website:

If you have questions, please email or call the community helpline on 0131 202 7144.

Who is flying the survey?

The survey will be managed and flown by Bell Geospace.

Bell Geospace are a UK-based company with an office in Edinburgh, Scotland. Bell Geospace owns and operates three aircraft which have been especially modified for geological mapping. The company has over twenty-five years experience in geophysical surveys and a wide variety of experience across many countries and conditions. There will be one aircraft will be operating on the survey in Cornwall.

Why is a survey taking place?

The purpose of the survey is to collect geophysical information on the properties of the rocks below the ground.

By carrying special technology onboard, the Bell Geospace aircraft is able to sense and measure geological properties which cannot otherwise be seen. Essentially, we are able ‘see’ through to the Earth’s subsurface.

The upcoming survey in Cornwall is collecting information to make geological maps. These maps may be used for evaluating the geothermal energy and lithium potential in the Cornwall area. Lithium is considered a critical mineral, needed to meet net-zero economic goals.

The information collected will be used as a part of a wider consideration on future steps for activities in the area.  Data acquisition does not represent any excavation activity. Bell Geospace is not a mining company.

What is the location of the survey?

Please refer to the map
• The blue area is the survey boundary
• The outer red polygon shows the expected turning zone

map source Google Earth
1 Cornwall survey map with roads



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