Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council is holding a public meeting at Gwithian Church Hall on Tuesday January 29th at 7pm regarding planning for the future-NDO/NDP – Gwithian Towans This meeting is open to anyone and follows on from the informal drop in session and previous...
Informal drop in session regarding planning for the future-NDO/NDP – Gwithian
The Parish Council are holding an informal drop in session at Gwithian Church Hall on Saturday January 12th between 2pm and 4pm regarding planning for the future-NDO/NDP. This session is open to anyone (regardless of where they live) you can come and have a chat with...
Gwithian Village and Towans Area Neighbourhood Planning; Public Consultation Meeting Minutes
The informal meeting held on the 27th April 2012 was exceptionally well attended by local residents. The Parish Council would like to thank all those that made it on the night and the support received by all. We will be holding further public consultations on the...