Reports from Organisations

Apr 20, 2015 | Annual Parish Meeting Minutes, Parish News

At the Annual Parish Meeting held on Monday 13th April 2015 at Gwithian Church Hall, Gwithian the following written reports had been received :

Hayle Day Care Centre : Hayle Day Care Centre Report 2015

Wall Music Festival : Wall Music Festival – report – APRIL 2015

Towans Partnership : Report to GGPC for 13.04.15 (1)

CC Beach Management Advisory Group : Beach Management Advisory Group 11 March 2015

Gwithian Green Advisory Group : Report for GGPC on Gwithian Green 13.04.15

Verbal reports were received from :
Pen Tye Residents Assocation (PTRA) and Penwith 50+ Forum. Excerpts from the draft minutes below :

Penwith 50+ Forum
Mrs Margaret Ford outlined the work undertaken by the Penwith 50+ Forum advising that it was formed in 2004 as a result of one of the recommendations of Penwith District Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s Single Issue Panel into the services delivered for older people. The main aim of the Forum is to be the voice for older people in Penwith and drive forward service improvements. The Forum has nine meetings each year, six of which are formal with an agenda and the other three are informal, in which members may bring anything to the meeting. All their meetings are open to anyone to attend.
If topics need further investigation then a Theme Group of members is formed, with a nominated chairman, to meet and bring their recommendations back to the next formal meeting.
They have had Theme Groups looking into:

• Loneliness & Isolation
• Communication with the Council
• Carers and carer support
• Christmas Day Lunch
• Support Workers
• Access to sheltered housing estates
• Penwith Community Radio Station
• Disabled Facility Grants
• Adult Care & support funding for older people
The Forum also produces a bimonthly newsletter ‘Penwith 50+ Forum – The Voice for You’.

Fran Lacey advised that she was reporting a Chairman of the Pen Tye Residents Association (PTRA). Fran advised that this was her first year as Chairman and that the PTRA was a non-profit organization working on behalf of residents across the whole of the Gwinear Ward. The group runs a youth group and holds regular events such as a Christmas party for the entire community as well as bonfire night, summer bbq’s etc. Fran advised that they recently held their first Easter Egg hunt which had been a huge success and they would look to make this a regular event for the community. She said that unfortunately due to the numbers attending and adult support the youth group for the younger age range had been stopped but that the PTRA would look to re-open the group now that the evenings are lighter. Fran advised that they had had a good year financially and thanked the Parish Council for its support over the past year.
Cllr Pocock thanked those present who gave a verbal report and advised that all the reports would be available to view on the Parish Council website.


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